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Thursday, May 25, 2006

The saga continues...

Well, after finally getting back into the running routine, Dustin has hurt his ankle. It happened at Kickball on Tuesday. He somehow rolled it and turned around at the same time and has had a puffy, sore ankle ever since. He's been taking Aleve and icing (but not as much as I tell him to) for the past couple of days. Apparently the pain has subsided almost completely, but you wouldn't think so from the amount of swelling that still shows. He's been doing low-impact exercises at the gym, no running at all. Mostly biking. I'm hoping to be back pounding the pavement tomorrow, but it may be doubtful. He says he will be fine to start running again tomorrow, but I may have to veto the motion if I think it looks too swollen. Yeah, I have that power.

So wish us luck that the next time we run, the road doesn't open up and swallow us both. The odds are starting to point in that direction, but we're determined.

Oh, and to answer the question of "Why can't you run by yourself while Dustin is hurt?" I reply "Shheeyah, right." It wouldn't work. When we run, we actually use an IV to transfuse motivation from his blood to mine. I'm determined, but not that determined.


At Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:26:00 PM, Blogger Donella said...

YES, Kickball. We are in an adult coed kickball league here in Minneapolis! It's a blast!

Tonight is our last regular season game. Next week will be the playoffs, which we will surely lose. But it's all in good fun!


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