
Our sporks are your sporks. Just keep it clean, this is a family place.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Okay, okay, I'll post something. I know that when you don't post for a while, people stop looking. So even though I don't really have a lot of time to give a big update - or all that much to update about - here are some photos to enjoy.

I've hit the Winter Wall. That feeling during winter, somewhere between desperation and complete anger. Where you never quite know what incident will set you off to start throwing things... or just crying. Yeah, that's me right now. It doesn't happen for everyone, but it happens for me every year. Dustin too, although I've never caught him crying about it. For those who love winter and cold, I envy you. For us though, there is a breaking point. This is about the time every year where we seriously start considering a move to someplace distant, exotic, and most importantly - someplace SOUTH. We start to question what it is that keeps us living here. Who in their right mind would do this every year - willingly?! So when those occassions arise, we have to remind ourselves why we stay. Here are some of those reasons:

We live here.
We love our house, and our proximity to the city and everything we enjoy doing.

Taking advantage of every summer opportunity!

Born & raised
(D, Dad, & Lynda)
(Dustin, Karen)

Fishing. Well, Dustin fishes. I just bring the bad luck.


(Dustin & a very unlucky fish)

Family & fun in Waterville
(Brandon, Manda)
(Sara, Alice)

(The Point)

Three seasons of kickball every year!
(Spring '07 CHAMPS)

(Heiney, Mama Dish, D-Rae, Colieolieo, RaRa)

(Thug, Guido, Voltage, Jentz, Slick Mick, Dave - aka. "Your Name")

Backyard BBQs
(Becky, D, Anne)

(Kristian, Adam, Tarin)


The Lakes area in Minneapolis is very active. I absolutely love the city and all it has to offer in the summer. We're so close to the lakes and to Downtown, we try to take advantage of as much as we can. From the outdoor concerts, bike trails, art fairs, sidewalk dining, block parties, and everything in between. It's impossible not to find something to do.

You cannot beat this city in the summertime.

Driving up 35w at dusk is probably one of my favorite sights.



At Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:58:00 PM, Blogger juanitagf said...

Too bad summer doesn't las as long as winter...

At Friday, January 30, 2009 8:39:00 AM, Blogger Anne said...

I love all of your pics and your blog. But I do have to point out somethings that are good about our winters: Cabin weekend! Hot tubbing in the snow, sledding, moon boots, and whipping shi$$ies in the snow with the car:) Hang in there - your vacation will be here b4 you know it. And Karaoke tonight!


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